Meet Western United’s stars: Chilli Peppers fan Aaron Calver


Western United’s Aaron Calver means business on the pitch. But what about off the pitch? Learn more about our powerful defender. 

Who were your previous clubs?

Wollongong Wolves, Sydney FC

Where did you like playing best, and why?

I was a striker at Wollongong which was fun, but I also love to play centre-back. I was converted when I spent some time at the New South Wales Institute of Sport.

Have to say, I loved my seven years at Sydney – and won a championship. Nothing beats that!

Why do you love football? Did you ever consider any other sport?

I kind of loved it because it came naturally to me – I played a bit of cricket and some athletics but I chose football. I just love scoring goals and winning.

Is there anything you don’t like about being a professional footballer – be honest!

Going through the ranks you can miss out on lots of stuff “regular” kids get to do – you can miss out on a lot of fun, ’cause you’re out training or whatever.

But that sacrifice is necessary – and honestly, you wouldn’t change it for anything!

What are your dreams for your career from now?

Obviously playing for the Socceroos. One day I’d like to play in Asia or Europe perhaps – whatever move looks right for me at the time – but win as many trophies as possible along the way, for sure.

Why Western United? What do you like about the new Club?

I liked that it was a fresh start and we get to build the club from the bottom up – everyone’s in the same boat, it’s refreshing, there’s a great atmosphere and culture already, couldn’t say anything bad about any of the lads … we’re going to go a long way.

What do you do when you’re not playing football? Any special hobbies?

I’m part-time at Uni, studying business. I kind of got into it right after high school and kept on with it.

And I love just having a swim or heading down for a coffee with a mate – just chilling.

Favourite band?

Red Hot Chilli Peppers!

Favourite movie?

The Longest Yard.

Favourite football legend – any country, any era?

I love Stevie Gerrard – his quality, and just how much he loved his club.

Who did you support as a youngster before you started playing football professionally?

Well, Liverpool! And I still do!