We are saddened to notify our community that we lost a beloved member of our Western United family, Neda Ivic.
Neda succumbed to cancer far too young, and we wish to express our sadness and offer our condolences to Neda’s family at this sad time.
A club is so much more than just the results on the weekend. It’s a community, a family, and we wanted to make mention of the part Neda played in our club.
Many of our fans and members will remember Neda as that friendly, positive person working at the merch desk on game day with her daughter Mara.
Neda loved this club so much and from the beginning. Both as a volunteer and as a staff member who was part of the team on match day.
We will miss her energy and her quirky humorous personality. Even when she was battling her health issues, she was always so stoic and positive. Lovingly tagged as ‘The Machine’ from her fellow WUFC family, she will be sorely missed when game day comes around once more.
Neda was such a caring, giving, positive soul and brightened anyone’s day who she encountered. She fought bravely right until the very end and can now rest in peace.
We will forever miss her being the first person to like or comment on any news the club posted on social media. It always brought a smile to our faces knowing how much joy something we created together gave her.
We hope this club gives the same joy to many of our fans and members out there. Please give your loved ones an extra hug and reach out and tell them you love them.
Never take each day for granted. Life is short and time is precious.
Condolences to the Ivic and Baban family,
Tina and Steve Horvat