Western United Completes Inaugural Sporting Schools Program


In recent weeks Western United’s community team delivered the club’s inaugural Sporting Schools Program at Holy Spirit Primary School in Manifold Heights, Geelong.

With the help of Holy Spirit’s Carla Radalj, the program successfully facilitated over 100 students.

“Thanks to Carla at the school for organising this and being super helpful,” said Rob Palmaricciotti, Western United’s Head of Community.

“Only A-League clubs can deliver these and now that we have been officially added as a registered provider, we are super keen to provide these to schools in our area.”

Schools who are interested in contributing funding towards the Sporting Schools Program in term 3 can begin by contacting the club at community@wufc.com.au.

Alternatively, schools can begin applying for term 4 sports funding from the 19th of August at www.sportaus.gov.au/schools/schools/funding.