Celebration for winners of Western United’s Show Your Colours promotion

Western United Show Your Colours

Western United fans Thomas Campbell and Luke Severino were the recipients of a fantastic half-time experience at Mars Stadium on Saturday as they were the winners of the Show Your Colours promotion.

The promotion required entrants to fill in an online form prior to the match and ensure they attended the game wearing either the colours of their nominated club, academy or school, or the Green and Black of Western United.

Thomas was representing the Ballarat Specialist School and was overjoyed to win the $2,500 cash prize for his school community, saying it would help the school buy new footballs.

“Amazing! They can spend it on new balls at school because they keep losing them. All my friends are kicking them over the fence,” he said.

While Thomas did also admit he can, at times, be the culprit of sending balls over the fence, he is excited for the school to add more equipment to enable all of the students to play sport.

Thomas said he and his sister Jess both love football, and it was Jess that convinced him to become a Western United fan and support their home team when the Club started.

Luke dedicated his prize money to his club at Ballarat City, where he is currently playing in the Under 15’s NPL competition.

Luke Severino won $2,500 for Ballarat City and a special meet and greet opportunity with Josh Risdon

He has been around a football since the age of five, starting with futsal and then progressing to the full pitch outdoors. As a left-footer, Luke plays predominantly on the wing down the left-hand side but can also fill in at left-back.

Luke said he was shocked and excited to be one of the winners of the promotion and is eager to see the prize support his club in the future. 

“It’s pretty exciting! I wasn’t expecting to win it, but it’s good to get $2,500 for my club Ballarat City,” he said.

Luke has been to every single Western United match in Ballarat with his dad, and that will continue as United is set to play at Ballarat City’s home ground at Morshead Park next week.

Both Thomas and Luke were given an extra treat with the chance to meet Josh Risdon on the pitch at half-time, receiving a signed jersey from United’s star right-back.